When it comes to personal income taxes every individual wants it to be perfect, get more refunds from CRA without paying hefty fee. This is when it gets clients to visit Taxxlution. At Taxxlution we have experts dealing in all kind of personal taxes situations whether it is Self Employed, Rental Property, Sale of any kind of property, Shares Trading all that comes across.
To help you get more refund on your taxes we help you claim following deduction/credits.
- Medcals expenses Prescriptions
- Charitable donation receipts
- Childcare expenses
- First time home buyer
- Disability (T2201)
- T2202A for tuition and education amounts
- Investment loan expenses
- Spousal support if applicable
- Interest paid on student loans
- Political contributions
- Professional dues
- Medical Insurance
- Moving expenses
- Split pension
- Eligible dependents
- Employment Expenses
- Meals for long haul truckers TL-2
- Northern resident deduction T-2222
- Handyman tools
- And many more….
We help you file TIOVP/TFSA OVERPAYMENT Return. If you hove over contributed to your RRSP/TFSA don't worry, we will help you file your returns with CRA.
Special Arrangements for NON-RESIDENT RETURN.